

GM CASE 7 Case scenario......              Hi This is P.Bhavana,3rd BDS student.This is an online eblog book discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. Case sheet : A 60 yr old female came with complaints of fever since 10 days. Productive cough since 10 days. Vomitings since 10 days. HOPI: Patient  was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back.she then developed fever low grade,intermittent,not associated with chills and rigors,relieved on medications. C/O cough with expectoration since 10 days Whitish mucoid sputum not blood tinged with food particles as contents. C/O pain in the back while coughing No h/o pedal edema,chest pain, facial puffiness,decreased urine output,SOB,palpitations Past History: No similar complaints in the past  N/k/C/O-DM,HTN,TB,Asthma,Epilepsy,CVA,CAD,Thyroid disorders. H/o NSAID abuse present Personal History- Diet- Mixed Appetitte- Decreased since 10 days  Bowel &Bladder Movement
Gm case 6   Case scenario...... Hi, this is P.Bhavana,3rd BDS student.This is an online e- blog book to discuss our patients healthdata after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centred online learning portfolio. Case sheet:A 32 years old male with abdominal pain. Cheif complaint:Abdominal pain since 7 days .                              Fever since 7 days.                         Burning micturation since 3 days. History of present illness:Patient was asymptomatic 1 week ago.since 1 week, he is suffering from abdominal pain The pain is pricking type of pain,continuous,aggrevating on inspiration.The pain is extending from left illac fossa to right illac fossa. Fever since 7 days ,on and off ,high grade intermittent associated with chills. Dry cough since 7 days ,on and off which is relieved on taking inspiration. Burning micturation is present. Headache since 6 days continuous in frontal region. History of past illness:No past history of Daibetes mellitus, hypertension,TB,

gm case

  GM Case 5 Case scenario..... Hi, this is P.Bhavana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 38 year old male came with chief complaint of vomiting since 4 days. CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Vomiting since 4 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was asymptomatic 4 days ago. He had vomiting since 4 days. It is non-projectile type of vomiting. The number of episodes were 6 to 7 times a day. Frequency decreased to 4 to 5 times a day since one day. The vomiting was watery contained food particles. The vomit is not blood tinged. He has no abdomen pain, fever, headache. Since 20 days, he had pain in lower limbs ( right and left) The pain was pricking pain, intermittent. There was no pain while he was working or walking. While on rest pain started again. Since 10 days he quite alcohol and he is on medication. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: 2 years ago,

MARCH 4,2023

GM CASE 4 Case scenario.... Hi,This is P.Bhavana of 3rd BDS student.This is an online eblog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centred online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 55 Years old female with chest pain. CHEIF COMPLAINT:        Chest pain since 3 days back.        Shortness of breath since 3 days back. History of present illness:      She was apparently asymptomatic 15 years back and then she noticed a swelling over right foot and dizziness, then she went to the hospital there she is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.From then she started taking medications ( oral hypoglycemia drugs).suddenly  she stopped taking medications one month ago.Insteadly she started taking multivitamin tablets which she considered it as oral hypoglycemia drugs. Then since 10 days she started having pain near lumbar region,which aggrevated and radiated to chest 3 days back.she was febrile since 3 days.she was having shortness of breath g

GM case 3

Gm Case 3 Case scenario...... Hi, this is P. Bhavana of 3 rd BDS student. This is an online eblog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centred online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 65 year old who has shortness of breath and swollen feet  Chief complaint: Patient complains of shortness of breath and swollen feet. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was asymptomatic 10yrsago. Since 10 years patient complains of hypertension. 6years ago sudden bleeding of nose. Then he visited a hospital and incidently came to know that he was diagnosed with kidney failure. From then he is on medication. 1 month ago he was suffering from shortness of breath and swollen feet. While he is walking for long, he feels more breathless than usual. As a part of regular checkup the doctor suggested to go through dialysis. The patient is on dialysis since a month. Urine output is decreased since one month. The patient has on and off fever since 7d

FEBRUARY 25,2023

GM case 2 Case scenario..... Hi,this is P.Bhavana, 3rd BDS student.This is an online eblog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centred online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 4 year child with haematuria. Chief complaint: Painless red coloured urine since 6 months Cough and cold since 2 days  No fever  No vomitings No pain in abdomen No trauma. HIistory of present illness: No history of facial puffiness No pedel edema History of past illness: Recurrent episodes of cystitis,hematuria,proteneuria Personal history:  Occupation:student  Appetite: normal Diet: mixed Sleep: regular Bowel and Bladder: regular Family history : not significant General examination: Height:100cm Weight:15kgs Pallor : no icterus:no Cyanosis:no Lymphadenopathy:no Malnutrition:no Dehydration:no VITALS: Temperature:98.2°F Pulse rate:112 beats per minute Respiratory rate:24 cyclesper minute Bp:110/90mmHg Spo2:99% Systemic examination Cardiovascular syst

GM case 1

February 20,2023   GM case 1 Case scenario... Hi, this is P.Bhavana,3rd BDS student.This is an online eblog book discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centred online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 40years old male with yellow discoloration of eyes and Itching all over the body.   CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Yellow discoloration of eyes since 20 days, Itching all over the body since 20 days.Patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 days back. Then he developed discoloration of eyes and greenish yellow discoloration of urine. Loss of appetite ,relieved on medication which was prescribed by local RMP.Loss of weight in these 20 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: AAbdominal tightness -Present intially now relieved after medication. Incomplete evacuation of stools since 20 days,passing pale coloured stools. Fever: Nil Vomiting: Nil. ASSOCIATED DISEASES : Type ll diabetes mellitus. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: K/C/O DM II