Gm case 6 
 Case scenario......
Hi, this is P.Bhavana,3rd BDS student.This is an online e- blog book to discuss our patients healthdata after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centred online learning portfolio.

Case sheet:A 32 years old male with abdominal pain.
Cheif complaint:Abdominal pain since 7 days .
                             Fever since 7 days.
                        Burning micturation since 3 days.

History of present illness:Patient was asymptomatic 1 week ago.since 1 week, he is suffering from abdominal pain The pain is pricking type of pain,continuous,aggrevating on inspiration.The pain is extending from left illac fossa to right illac fossa.
Fever since 7 days ,on and off ,high grade intermittent associated with chills.
Dry cough since 7 days ,on and off which is relieved on taking inspiration.
Burning micturation is present.
Headache since 6 days continuous in frontal region.

History of past illness:No past history of Daibetes mellitus, hypertension,TB,Asthma, epilepsy,CAD.

Family history: No significant complaint.
Personal history:married
                           Occupation: farmer
                           Bowel and bladder:regular
                           Allergy : No.
Addictions: Alcohol once in 4 days 90 ml.
                     Pan masala occasionally.
General examination:
Systemic examination:
Oral cavity stains,gingival recession.
Oropharynx : normal
Chest apperance: elliptical in shape bilateral symmetrical.
Respiratory movement : Equal on both sides.
Trachea position: it is observed that trachea is in central position
Dialted veins : No
Scars: No
Sinuses: No
Dropping of shoulders : No.

Trachea: central in position.
Apical. Impulse: left 5th intercoastal space medial to midline
Anterioposterior Diameter:21 cm
Transverse Diameter: 30 cm.

Resonant sounds are heard .


Upper respiratory tract: normal
Nasal septum: in midline
Oral cavity : stain,gingival recession are seen 
Oropharynx: normal
Umbilicus position: central inverted 
Shape : normal,equal on both sides.
Flangs and Distension: no
Dilated veins: no 
Scars: no
Sinuses: no
Visible pulsation:no

All quadrants are moving equally on inspiration

Mild tenderness is seen in right iliac, right lumbar and left iliac.

Liver and spleen are not palpable 


liver - 14.5cm

Spleen dullness is noticed in left coastal region.


Bowel sounds are heard in right iliac region.

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